
Our Sponsors


We invite you to help bring healing to people’s lives by sponsoring one of the programs for one or more seasons. We do not charge families to participate in our programs. You can donate any of the amounts shown below to cover the costs involved for one program for one semester. You can click on “Donate Now”, or contact Sarah Moss at 403 289-8555 or


Support a Family

Support one single-parent family for one season at Cornerstone. For a family of 4 the cost is $415 for a 12 week program. We do not charge any costs to our participants and are reliant on donations to be able to provide this support to families.

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The Boundaries program helps the adult participants set meaningful boundaries around themselves. They learn to say yes and carry through, and say no when necessary. The cost to sponsor The Boundaries program for one semester is $85 per person and there are usually about 10 people in the group at one site.

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Grief Share

The Grief Share program assists the adult participants work through the grief associated with the loss of a loved one. The cost to sponsor the Grief Share program for one semester is similar to the Boundaries program.




The Heartzone program is for children who have suffered the loss of a parent because of Divorce, separation or death. The cost to sponsor the Heartzone program for one semester is $110 per child, and there are usually about 40 children in the Heartzone groups at one site.

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Smart Step Family

The Smart Step Family program assists the adult participants work through the challenges associated with living in a blended family. The cost to sponsor The Smart Step Family program for one semester is similar to the Boundaries program.



Change How You Think

Change How You Think assists the adult participants to deal with the effects of our baggage. Our baggage comes as a result of what was done to us throughout our life - particularly in our younger, formative years. The cost to sponsor the Change How You Think program for one semester is similar to the Boundaries program.